Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Outlet Mall Guru

Teach me to fold the perfect pant and I'll show you how to sell a credit card to a mother of four who makes minimum wage. The mexicans pay in crisp $100 bills, the asians in crumpled coupons, and I pay with my soul.

Thanks, Banana.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome Home

i heard the hills whisper "welcome home"
their voices hung in the air with dragonflies
they swirled around our heads of unkempt hair
sharing with us the songs of man and wind
and we tapped our feet on the same ground
the sun introduced itself to my pale skin
freckles claimed territory on a plot above my heart
for $5 god would leave his handprint on yours
on the porch you sang about the simple things
and i began to notice them
my dress soaked up the river and all the people in it
tightly woven threads trapped the current
so i wrung out the comfort and drove east
i left you standing at the bottom of civilizations slope
locals hung above the water like a barrel of monkeys
away from the boxed merlot and shirtless boys
patriotism shields my eyes from neon signs
but my hair still feels like the river
and my coffee tastes like your cigarettes
so i hug this lamppost hoping it will guide you
it will act as a lighthouse
and i will wait beneath its glow until you arrive

by jennifer robichaux, whose dress is now dry
