Monday, May 18, 2009

a spider just crawled across my chest

I am in the bubble now, but until recently I was in a box. The bubble has homemade meals and lazy evenings spent in front of the tube watching crime dramas. Here I don't really have responsibilities (though I am trying to get some) and my room contains no bunk bed or noisy lesbian roommate. I am allowed to poke holes in the wall here and boys can be in my room past midnight. The bubble, round by nature, is able to roll to any desired location. However, by following me-- or rather rolling along with me-- it becomes inescapable and a constant in my life. It could be easily transported to Louisiana where my family plans to vacation this summer, however I would prefer for it to stay in Texas where the suburbs seem to crave its presence. As mentioned above, I have just moved back into the bubble from a box. The box was much more comfortable. It had four solid, distinguishable walls. The floor connected the walls and the top opened up to the usually sunny sky. Picture a cardboard moving box, if you will. Sure, the box kept me contained, but if I really wanted to I could find a way to scale the wall and get to the outside. It took me a while to get used to the idea of living in something with four walls, I was accustomed to more spherical homes. 
Right now, the box is temporarily out of reach. 

1 comment:

Margo said...

may i join you in your box?
i come bearing gifts of handmade things and twinkle lights.
